Sunday, March 6, 2011

Snaps of Malawi

We have learned that pictures are called snaps by the locals. So here are some snaps of Malawi.

Our house is a very very fine house! We love it! 
We have plumbing and hot water in the shower 
which we carry to the kitchen to do dishes. 
Correction - Ron carries it! 

Senga Bay Beach

A typical boat which carries lanterns for night fishing 
to direct the larger boats in finding sardines. 
These boats go out again in the daylight to catch larger fish.

The Senga Bay Fishing Fleet.

Mr Ron

Sardines for eating and for bait.

local acrobat!

Beach football -  the dust bowl?

The river at Mua is a busy place for locals to bath and do laundry.

women at work

There are lots of granite  'mountains' like this one - stunning,

enormous root systems 

This fascinating tree loses leaves in the rainy season and  
regains them in the dry season 
offering protection from the harsh sun. 
The trees also add nitrogen to the soil.
 It is called a faidherbia albide or Msangu tree. 
Once a tree is three years old it gives enough nitrogen to the soil that fertilizer is not needed for the crops. 

A maize field using conservation farming - holding in moisture and keeping weeds at bay. 

These fellows led the way  to the highway!  
Amazing balancing act!
Their bikes are not substantial and most have no brakes! 
Do not try this at home!

Our silence from blogging is simply because we are busy!
 We hope to write more soon!

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