Saturday, February 12, 2011

Four Short Days

Four Short Days of Great Things. Cambridge revisited. Jan 23 to 27, 2011

This was our second visit to Cambridge where it is impossible to miss the depth of history, the greatness of innovative thought, the roots of faith and the amazing scientific discoveries. 

Grand colleges and chapels abound and the city bustles with locals and students – mostly on foot and on bicycles.

Better than all of that was spending time with Marty and Annika who were their usual amazing selves. The time flew past so quickly but we were grateful to be there together.  They have a great little (big on little – maybe 16 sq metres) cottage behind a row house in an area of town where the railway workers lived. Just up the street, the sign for the public bath is still on the building although it is no longer functioning as a bath building.  If you have ever been to a public bath in Britain, I expect you may be smiling. My experience was back in the 70’s – an enormous tub in the centre of a small room with plenty of hot water and a clean towel – bliss as I recall! 

It feels rather odd to be writing this while watching a small lizard try to come inside the window in Malawi but that is another post! It is quite a  contrast to sitting in Kings College for an amazing evening song!

Marty is working toward a PhD at Cambridge and Annika spends part of her time in Berlin continuing with her entrepreneurial ways and exhibitions.   Marty has some work speaking and leading seminars in addition to his studies. The work load sounds heavy to me! They are great encouragers for each other and to those around them.

No luck posting photos yet! Sorry.

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