Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Everyone can do something #1

As I continue to try to grasp - at least in part - the circumstances and tragedy of global poverty I think a lot about old question "what we can do about it?"

As I pray and meditate further I sense that I might share some of what I am finding / learning ... not that we personally do all these things but simply for consideration .... because everyone can do something.

Speaking of simply, we are attempting to live more simply in order to have more to give and for the sake of this beautifully created world. There is a saying - Live simply that others may simply live. Rings true to my ears!

Here is the first little find for sharing - it is a micro finance site at www.kiva.org which facilitates funding from the general public which can be assigned to a designated individual for business start up.

One must use their own judgement of course but it seems that enabling an individual to have a livelihood is worth some consideration. We heard about this at the Leadership Summit we attended last week.

We are grateful to have had 2 past opportunities to serve some of the neediest of the needy in Africa in 07 and in 08/9. One cannot help but see not only neediness, sickness, hunger, and poverty but also the incredible strength, persistence and determination among these very capable, community oriented individuals and families. We have given some of ourselves but received and learned so much more. Such opportunities are to be deeply appreciated.

I hope the kiva site is of interest to you.


Derek, Colleen, Sarah and Jacob said...

Great to hear from you again on the blog. What is your next adventure??????

Anonymous said...

We appreciate the "simple" life as well. Our eyes were really opened when we were on Xalapa Island in Mexico. How the simple life seems so much happier, less stress and a sense of calm. I remember a sermon once said, have you ever seen a uhaul behind a hurst. I think that simple life doesn't always mean material things either. Uncomplicating your life and being simple, means happiness, peace, the simple life. Finding rest in the lord!