Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thomas' First week

Week one has been somewhat dramatic for Thomas. He showed signs of infection and, since Jen had a dormant strep infection, she was on antibiotics during labour and he was put on antibiotics after birth. He has had some problems with chocking on mucous and is under the lamp for jaundice. That being said, there is another reason for a cautionary approach to his care.
This week in Perth three previously healthy children under the age of five have died of a combination of strep and influenza A. How very tragic. As you can imagine there are very busy emergency wards as parents are extremely concerned if their child becomes ill.
all this means that Thomas and Jen will remain in hospital a couple more days .
All that said, Thomas is absolutely adorable and we look forward to a healthy week two!
He has Jen's eyes and Caleb's chin. We are anticipating being able to have some nice long snuggles very soon!
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1 comment:

Richard Powell said...

A new person - how amazing and beautiful!

Babies always make me thankful to be alive, I'm sure you are feeling the wonder of it all...