Sunday, June 10, 2007

Moments in Time

Here are a few tidbits from our adventures:
1. Heading into the Haute Bon Hauf (Main Train Station) to find a row of police vans with many officers and riot gear near by along with 2 rows of officers on foot along each side of the main exit – as we wandered through, our excellent host for the evening, Reiner, (our friend Pia’s father) asked what was happening. Apparently they were expecting a train load full of G8 protestors. We decided not to stick around and watch!
2. Walking through the area near the parliament buildings, we had to stop and wait for an enormous police brigade with car loads of VIP’s to pass by – this was a group of secretaries of state form Africa, Brazil and other countries off to an evening’s activities. This event was running at the same time as the G8 which was in a smaller place not far from Berlin
3. Going to the Reitstag – parliament building – which has a huge dome on top - architecturally amazing and clever with excellent traffic flow and views of the City – one can also see though to the area where the parliament sits. The chairs are purple! The lineup to get in is always long but we were able to enter through a different door with our host. They do the airport scan thing and frisk you before entering. It was so beautiful and worth the scrutiny experience. I will post a photo…
4. Watching a police officer hanging his bag of take out Thai food on his revolver and cycling away.
5. Listening to Turkish music as we go to sleep
6. Trying to figure out the washing machine in the apartment
7. Helping Marty and Annika scrape old wallpaper off the walls of their apartment and envisioning the finished product down the road.
8. Wandering through the parks, taking the trains and feeling very safe
9. Wishing we could stay longer – always a good sign and a good time to leave!

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