Thursday, June 7, 2007


Berlin is:

Wall art (grafitti embraced)
Bicycles, bicycles and more bicycles think tons and add some
Subway travel - fast and effiicient
River life and canals - sightseeing boats
Sidewalk cafes - more than we have seen elsewhere
Socializing - an important passtime

Young families and students
Centuries of history: opulence to terror to reconciliation
Reminders of the divided city
Green spaces and courtyards

Cars parked every which way
Museums, galleries and monuments
Tour buses
Cobblestone streets
Architectural variety

Rental apartment living (88% of housing is rental), mostly walk up - ours is 120 stairs!
Variety of food, beer available everywhere – curry wurst is an option!

Many quiet spaces and singing birds
Ping pong tables in the park
Pretzels and bread ( a great time to discover that Lauris is likely allergic to wheat!)

Days begin and end ‘late’ – we are going to bed when many Berliners are getting started!
Inexpensive food and beverages available

Intersting note - when you rent an apartment you get the rooms and plumbing - you supply the rest including your kitchen cupboards - and remeber these are walk up flats!

Can you tell we are really enjoying Berlin? Photos will hopefully follow on the next post - they take time! We seem to be out for at least 15 hours a day! Got to love it!

Blessings to all of you!

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