Friday, June 29, 2007

Ready and Waiting

Just a short post as we wait for the baby to make a appearance. Just 3 days until the due date.
I also wanted to let you know that Jen and Caleb do not have email in their home just now (the land line connection for the wireless moved) … so that complicates their communications …
We have been out and about quite a bit. Yesterday we went to Kings Park for a guided walkabout in the natural bush land. It was very well done and gave us a much needed long walk. We went to YWAM for a Friday night worship service. Caleb gave the message which was well done and really challenged our hearts.
Pete and Shirley are back from Indonesia and are here until July 10th so it is our prayer that both the baby’s birth and the baby shower can happen during that time.
We are looking to go on a cruise on the Swan River with Rosemary and Bill when the weather is fair and they are both off work. It will be a treat to spend some more time together and see some new areas especially from the boat. The Swan River is winery country and the Australians certainly know how to make great wine!
Cheers from Perth!

Monday, June 25, 2007


Today was a great wander through the zoo so here are two classic Aussie pictures - look closely for the roo!
The Koala was kind enough to be awake - the nutrition from the leaves is poor and they lack energy and sleep about 19 hours a day! m-m-m quite a life!

I am trying blogging and posting photos through picassa. I am also trying gmail. My shaw address works too - just attempting to make things work together a little better which is pretty much trial and error. Hopefully we will not disappear in the process.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Western Australia Aquarium

They have REAL sharks in WA
Lauris likes the pretty things

An enormous turtle Snorkeling anyone?

Love those polka dots Here's looking at you, kid!

The lion fish a ray with a big smile on his belly

The WA aquarium is pretty amazing - showing all that is in the local waters, much of which we prefer to see at the aquarium! There is an area where the sharks, turtles, rays and fish swim over your head. The staff was friendly and informative and the kids (mostly school groups) were adorable - a great way to spend a few hours!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

picture book

Berlin river cruise with plenty of head room!
Mercedes Beauty

Hans-Martin, David and Klaudija
Owl Art in Holtzgalingen for their 1000th Birthday!

Caleb and Jen enjoying their blessings

Perth - beautiful flower in mid winter

a great place to bird watch - who is watching who?


After a quick hello to Annabel and saying farewell to Marty and Annika, we were off to Stuttgart and Holtzgalingen via the fast Inter City Express train travelling at speeds over 200 km/hr – relaxing on leather seats, playing cards and sipping our sparkling mineral water (mit gas).
Reconnecting with Klaudija and Hans Martin and their son David was wonderful – they have a lovely apartment and made us very comfortable. We slept on a most interesting sofa bed which was really comfy – I wonder if there is any equivalent in Canada? Klaudija and I had time to sit and enjoy our tea and conversation while Hans-Martin and Ron went go cart racing and to the Mercedes Benz museum. Wee David is a darling and charmed us even though he had a fever. He signs a lot and can communicate really well for a one year old. He is bright and charming and well parented. We love being with Hans-Martin and Klaudija – just kind of slid in to their world like we did with Marty and Annika and now with Jen and Caleb.
Emirates Air was a wonderful flying experience with delicious food and comfy seats. The leg from Dubai to Perth was made even better by being only half full! Ron and I both found space to have 2 seats each – wiggle room so to speak. The best bit of course was that Jen and Caleb were waiting at the airport. Jen is looking well and very round. Her hospital bag is packed and the baby space is ready. Caleb is geared up on the best route to the hospital too!
Caleb and Jen have made a wonderful home of their apartment and we are enjoying times of just hanging out together squeezed into their very busy schedule. They are great fun to be with – we even let Caleb win a game of cards!! One prayer request is that the baby will arrive when Caleb’s parents Pete and Shirley are here – they have travel commitments before and after the due date and I would hate for them to miss out on the initial excitement. More important of course is a safe delivery!
We have had the opportunity to spend some time at the YWAM campus, including a commissioning service last night. We will go to Friday night worship tomorrow. It is a place which is full of energy with lots of school teams arriving and leaving and staying!! The presence of the Lord is evident (the CCC gospel choir song “the Presence of the Lord is here” keeps popping into my head).
Our house exchange is all we could hope for. A lovely clean home with all the amenities and terrific hosts who are staying in a cottage on the back of the property. Rosemary and Bill are very hospitable, interesting folks and we hope to get to know them better while we are here. We drove their vehicle for the first time today and Ron did well driving on the left side of the road … We entertained ourselves by using the windshield wipers instead of the turn signal a couple of times!
We are sitting out in their garden having a relaxing day. Yesterday we walked for about 4 hours taking photos and enjoying the winter flora and fauna – the weather has been dry and sunny (fine is the term used here) but a change is expected tomorrow. I love seeing the palm trees, the various birds and of course the roos on Heirisson Island…

Photos will follow soon but right now I would like to go for a walk before preparing dinner for Cherine and Sharon from YWAM. Looking forward to their company and wishing you could be here with us!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Moments in Time

Here are a few tidbits from our adventures:
1. Heading into the Haute Bon Hauf (Main Train Station) to find a row of police vans with many officers and riot gear near by along with 2 rows of officers on foot along each side of the main exit – as we wandered through, our excellent host for the evening, Reiner, (our friend Pia’s father) asked what was happening. Apparently they were expecting a train load full of G8 protestors. We decided not to stick around and watch!
2. Walking through the area near the parliament buildings, we had to stop and wait for an enormous police brigade with car loads of VIP’s to pass by – this was a group of secretaries of state form Africa, Brazil and other countries off to an evening’s activities. This event was running at the same time as the G8 which was in a smaller place not far from Berlin
3. Going to the Reitstag – parliament building – which has a huge dome on top - architecturally amazing and clever with excellent traffic flow and views of the City – one can also see though to the area where the parliament sits. The chairs are purple! The lineup to get in is always long but we were able to enter through a different door with our host. They do the airport scan thing and frisk you before entering. It was so beautiful and worth the scrutiny experience. I will post a photo…
4. Watching a police officer hanging his bag of take out Thai food on his revolver and cycling away.
5. Listening to Turkish music as we go to sleep
6. Trying to figure out the washing machine in the apartment
7. Helping Marty and Annika scrape old wallpaper off the walls of their apartment and envisioning the finished product down the road.
8. Wandering through the parks, taking the trains and feeling very safe
9. Wishing we could stay longer – always a good sign and a good time to leave!

Friday, June 8, 2007

More photos!

A view near Solingen
A strnage little something on the table - any guesses?

These chairs with the don't walk / walk symbols are intersting. They are the symbols of teh former East Berlin traffic signs. after reunification, they were to be replaced with the West Berlin symbols, but due to many objections, they remain and are now well marketed!
Below (at least below on y screen!) is a sample of Potsdam Dutch quarter architecture!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

A river cruise boat One restored building and the other yet to be restored
Some of the remains of the Berlin wall

A Holocast memorial - very spiritual and emotional walk through here - it is very extensive and a real call to my spirit to pray.

The Brandenburg gate

a sculpure - each piece is a memorial to a politicain killed for speaking out


Berlin is:

Wall art (grafitti embraced)
Bicycles, bicycles and more bicycles think tons and add some
Subway travel - fast and effiicient
River life and canals - sightseeing boats
Sidewalk cafes - more than we have seen elsewhere
Socializing - an important passtime

Young families and students
Centuries of history: opulence to terror to reconciliation
Reminders of the divided city
Green spaces and courtyards

Cars parked every which way
Museums, galleries and monuments
Tour buses
Cobblestone streets
Architectural variety

Rental apartment living (88% of housing is rental), mostly walk up - ours is 120 stairs!
Variety of food, beer available everywhere – curry wurst is an option!

Many quiet spaces and singing birds
Ping pong tables in the park
Pretzels and bread ( a great time to discover that Lauris is likely allergic to wheat!)

Days begin and end ‘late’ – we are going to bed when many Berliners are getting started!
Inexpensive food and beverages available

Intersting note - when you rent an apartment you get the rooms and plumbing - you supply the rest including your kitchen cupboards - and remeber these are walk up flats!

Can you tell we are really enjoying Berlin? Photos will hopefully follow on the next post - they take time! We seem to be out for at least 15 hours a day! Got to love it!

Blessings to all of you!